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Refugees say it with flowers

Refugees say it with flowers, Refugees acquire been handing out flowers to try to claiming abrogating perceptions that acquire arisen afterward beachcomber of animal assaults on women in some German cities on New Year's Eve.

A accumulation of macho refugees absitively to present alone tulips to German women to appearance that they allotment the civic abuse at the attacks. They aswell meant the action to accurate their account for women's rights and their acknowledgment to the country that has accustomed them sanctuary.

Their action was filmed by the Berliner Morgenpost. The video, attempt alfresco the axial alternation base in Berlin, was acquaint on the newspaper's Facebook page accession added than two actor angle and bags of likes.

The floral affirmation was advised to annul anti-refugee affect afterward the New Year attacks. After the accumulation assaults in Cologne added than 500 bent complaints were filed by women and 45% were for animal assault. Police appear that a lot of of the suspects they acquire articular so far are adopted nationals.

The government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose action of accepting a ample amount of refugees had annoyed anti-migration groups, again appear affairs to acceleration up the displacement of refugees who accomplish crime.

In the Berlin base video, the refugees are apparent announcement placards break themselves from the perpetrators of the attacks. "The boyhood does not represent the accomplished community," one read.

The men are again apparent alone abutting women to action them tulips. One woman's abashed announcement changes to a smile if the refugee tells her "thank you Germany". The video shows one woman adhering a refugee and giving him a kiss on his cheek. It goes on to appearance added refugee men acerb accusatory the attack. "We as refugees do not acquire these kinds of acts", says one in English. "We cannot acknowledge the German government and humans enough", says another.

The video ends with one man, adage that "the affair that happened in Cologne is a bent and aboriginal act and does not chronicle to any religion".

This all follows a accumulation beef organised by bourgeois groups headed by anti-Islamisation Pegida group. A Facebook user commenting on the video refers to the beef and says she was added anxious about the "violence" acquired by abolitionist German groups.

Other comments affectation a alloyed reaction. Many of those who acquaint were supportive. One said the annual giving was a "sincere act". Others acquire been adverse with some adage the video was artful and patronising.

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